Bridge Rehabilitation & Widening

Bridge Rehabilitation & Widening Engineers in Indiana

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Bridge Rehabilitation & Widening

Bridge rehabilitation and widening services are becoming increasingly popular due to the aging infrastructure of countries around the world. Kurdziel Barker Engineering is a leader in the industry, offering a range of services related to bridge rehabilitation and widening. Explore them below or contact us for more information!

Whether you are a country engineer or city planner interested in protecting assets your community members use every day; if you're wanting to ensure the structure itself is safe to use; Kurdziel Barker Bridge Engineering can help. Our bridge structural engineers can take on any bridge restoration project you have in mind and can ensure everything is completed within a set time frame. Learn more below and let us help you with everything from drafting to construction inspection!

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Bridge Rehabilitation Services

At Kurdziel Barker Engineering, bridge rehabilitation is conducted in a number of ways. Our experienced team of engineers will inspect your bridge to determine the best method for rehabilitation, including methods such as steel girder reinforcement and concrete deck repair. We tailor each project to the specific needs of the bridge, providing you with the most cost-effective and safest solutions available.

Strengthen icon

Strengthen the bridge overall

Replace damaged parts icon

Replace any damaged or deteriorated parts

Reinforce structure icon

Reinforce the overall structure

Add new features icon

Add new features to the bridge to improve its stability

Kurdziel Barker Bridge Engineering’s staff members keep all these aspects in mind when undertaking a bridge restoration project. It’s our mission to provide any and all advice we can during the process of refurbishing and improving upon an existing historical structure. Our bridge structural engineers will discuss your options and help you determine if any significant changes will need to be made to persevere the historical bridge, such as widening or adding additional safety features.

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Bridge Widening Services

Kurdziel Barker Engineering also offers bridge widening services that can help improve the accessibility and capabilities of your bridge. From start to finish, we’ll ensure that your bridge widening project is completed with the utmost quality and attention to detail.

Our Bridge Restoration Services In Indiana

The bridge structural engineers who work under our Kurdziel Barker Bridge Engineering name provide a number of services for our clients. While one of our primary focuses and areas of specialization is historic bridge restoration, we also provide consultations on and work related to the design, inspection, and rating of bridges. Our mission is to provide timely deliverables on all of our projects, as we understand how big of a financial investment these engineering feats are. Browse all our available bridge restoration and historical bridge services, including:

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Kurdziel Barker Engineering: Your Bridge Rehabilitation Specialists

If you have a bridge in need of rehabilitation or widening, we encourage you to contact the team at Kurdziel Barker Engineering today!