Contemporary Bridge Design

Contemporary Bridge Design


Contemporary bridge design is a dynamic field that is constantly evolving. It encompasses various design approaches, from simple and functional to complex and aesthetically pleasing. At Kurdziel Barker Bridge Engineering, we specialize in contemporary bridge design that balances form and function.

Design Philosophy

Our design philosophy is based on a simple principle: we strive to create bridges that are both beautiful and functional. Our designers and engineers work closely with clients to understand their needs and develop a design that meets their requirements. We are committed to creating bridges that are not only structurally sound but also visually appealing, enhancing the surrounding environment and community.

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Sustainability is an essential part of contemporary bridge design. We strive to create bridges that are environmentally responsible, energy-efficient, and sustainable. Our designs incorporate a range of sustainable materials and methods that reduce the environmental impact of our projects while also improving the long-term viability of the bridge.

Our Portfolio


Contemporary bridge design emphasizes aesthetics and the visual impact of the bridge on the surrounding environment. We work closely with clients to create bridges that are not only structurally sound but also visually appealing, enhancing the surrounding landscape and community. We use advanced design software and visualization tools to help clients visualize the final product and ensure it meets their expectations.


Innovation is an integral part of contemporary bridge design. We strive to push the boundaries of what is possible, using advanced design tools and materials to create bridges that are more efficient, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing than ever before. We are constantly exploring new ideas and methods to create bridges that are functional but also beautiful and inspiring.

If you need a reliable and experienced bridge engineering company, look no further than Kurdziel Barker Bridge Engineering.

Contact us today to learn how we can help with your contemporary bridge design, inspection, and restoration needs.

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